Decoding The I2 Clarity Diamond?

 All diamonds have blemishes and inclusions in varying degrees. The exceptions are those rare diamonds that receive a flawless or FL grade. Diamonds follow a wondrous journey before finding their place on a finger.

Choosing the right clarity grade will impact your wallet and, significantly, the durability and setting of the ring.

In this blog post, we discuss what an I2 clarity diamond is. So, if you're curious about these exceptional diamonds, keep reading!

An I2 clarity diamond is a diamond with visible imperfections - large enough to be seen both under the microscope and on occasion by the naked eye. These imperfections affect the diamond's clarity, brilliance, and transparency. The imperfections, when visible, can be quite distracting when looking at the diamond.

I2 diamond imperfections include carbon clusters, graining, and black and white imperfections. White imperfections are harder to see with the naked eye but are still visible. The more apparent defects include black imperfections, graining and carbon clusters.

There are several different levels of diamond clarity ranging from Flawless (FL) to Included (I). So, what is the best diamond clarity? The best diamond clarity is FL and comes with an equally stunning price tag. Most grading categories also includes a number system such as 1 or 2. The higher the number, the more easily imperfections are seen in the diamond. If the number 1 is in a grade, imperfections are easily seen under 10x magnification. A number 2 means that faults are obvious under magnification and, in some cases, can be seen with the naked eye. These imperfections make the diamond less valuable and less pleasing to the eye.

The imperfections found in I2 diamonds compromise structural durability, making them weaker than their better-quality counterparts. These diamonds are much easier to fracture and run a higher risk of breakage.

The best diamond clarity, FL and has a price range of $700 to over $3 million depending on the size of the diamond, whereas an I2 clarity diamond costs between $300-$2000 depending on the size of the diamond. They may seem like a great diamond to help reduce the costs of your engagement, but the savings will not necessarily pay off in the long run. While you may pay less for your diamond now, you will undoubtedly be spending more on diamond repairs or even a diamond replacement in the future.

In conclusion, I2 grade diamonds have several drawbacks. If you choose to go ahead with buying an I2 diamond, know that these diamonds come with lower clarity, lower structural durability and are much less pleasing to the eye. If you consider an I grade diamond, make sure you are fully aware of what you're getting into and plan for potential damage and loss!
